Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wrapping up NYC

I am back in Utah but I need to still post about a few things we did that I haven't been able to post about yet.

A few weeks ago Layla, Austin, Jake and I went to Palmyra and Niagara Falls! Keep in mind that we only had Sunday's off so we did this whole trip in pretty much one day, and Niagara Falls were about 7 hours from our apartments... so we didn't really get much sleep that weekend.

Sacred Grove:

The Smith Home (can you imagine 12 people living in this house?):

The "Dream" House:

Hill Cumorah:

Niagara Falls:

As you can probably tell we had so much fun on this trip! Not only was it fun but it was such an awesome experience to be able to see all these church sights that are always talked about. It's a good reminder about how the church was reestablished on the earth and all the sacrifices that were made for that to happen.

We went to another really good pizza place in the city. I think I my have liked it a little better then Grimaldi's but everyone else liked Grimaldi's better.

Our Last week we finally made it to a bar... I know that sounds bad but it was a really cool place that is well known because so many famous musicians have played there and just go to listen to the awesome house band!

This summer has probably been one of the best I've had! I was able to live in a city that has more to offer then most cities in the world! I miss it so much and can't wait to go back. The summer wouldn't have been nearly as fun without the friends that I had! I lived with Layla and Austin and they were both great! They were so easy to live with and never made me feel uncomfortable or like they didn't want me around (which they had to feel sometimes because I'm sure they would have liked a little more alone time). I want to thank them for asking me to come out this summer and letting me live with them! And even though I was with Layla 24/7 for the summer I miss her and am so happy that we have a business together now so that we at least get to see each other a couple times a week! I also made some great friends out there, all the guys were so much fun! Thanks Jake for always letting me drag you around so I wasn't the third wheel, I couldn't have asked for a better friend!

1 comment:

Lori said...

That looks like fun! I remember making that trip with Brady just before I moved out to Flagstaff. We did the sacred grove, Palmyra pageant, and Niagra falls all in a day or two! Fun!